West Virginia Relay Service

The West Virginia Relay Service is a free public service for communication between standard (voice) users and persons who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, and speech-disabled using text telephones (TTYs) or PCs via the Internet.  To reach the West Virginia Relay Service, dial 7-1-1 on your telephone or TTY.  Calls to the Relay Service are answered by a communications assistant at the relay center who acts as the eyes, ears and voice of TTY callers.  Relay Service calls, both local and long distance, are billed as if they were made directly from the calling location to the called location.  For more information, visit the West Virginia Relay Service website at westvirginiarelay.com.  The West Virginia Relay Service is provided by Sprint Relay.

If you experience any problems contacting the West Virginia Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1 through Hardy Telecommunications, please call our Customer Service Representatives at 304-897-9911 in Lost River or 304-530-5000 in Moorefield.  To report problems with the West Virginia Relay Service itself, visit the West Virginia Relay Service webpage of the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources at wvdhhr.org/wvcdhh/relay%20service/wvrelayservice.htm.