ANNUAL MEETING UPDATE: For the safety of our members and to comply with local, state and federal health guidelines related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors of Hardy Telecommunications, Inc., has opted to make the 2021 Annual Meeting of Members a virtual meeting. The meeting will not take place in person at East Hardy High School as in previous years; given the current status of Hardy County on state and federal COVID case maps, the board determined that the best solution to ensure the health of members would be to hold a virtual meeting. The meeting will be held virtually at 4 p.m. Friday, October 1. All details about the meeting, including registration and log-in instructions, will be announced at a later date. Updates will be posted on our website and the Hardy Telecommunications Facebook page.
Hardy Telecommunications, Inc., would like to invite all of our members to attend the virtual Annual Meeting of Members at 4 p.m. Friday, October 1, 2021. More information, including registration and log-in instructions, will be released at a later date. The agenda includes the announcement of election results of three members to fill seats on the Board of Directors.
Three seats on the Board of Directors have expiring terms. Present directors may be nominated and elected to succeed themselves. The positions expiring this year are Lost River serving area 2, currently held by Ervin O. Wilkins Jr. of Baker; South Fork serving area 2, currently held by Phyllis B. Cook of Moorefield; and Moorefield serving area 1, currently held by Harold K. Michael of Moorefield. All three have been nominated to succeed themselves. To read the 2021 Nominations Committee Report, click HERE.
The meeting will take place virtually via Zoom webinar. Details to follow.
The 2021 Annual Report will be posted as a PDF file on the 2021 Annual Meeting Reservation page no later than three (3) business days before the virtual meeting. Please return to that page at that time to view the Annual Report PDF.
For more information about our election process, please see our bylaws, which begin on page 28 of the 2021 directory. The most updated version of our bylaws also can be viewed by clicking HERE.
* PLEASE NOTE: All details are subject to change pending developments with the COVID-19 pandemic. Updates will be posted on our website at hardynet.com and on our Hardy Telecommunications Facebook page.