Annual Meeting Scheduled For October 4 At EHHS Gymnasium

The positions expiring this year on Hardy’s Board of Directors are (left to right) Lost River serving area 2, currently held by Ervin O. Wilkins Jr. of Baker; South Fork serving area 2, currently held by Phyllis B. Cook of Moorefield; and Moorefield serving area 1, currently held by Harold K. Michael of Moorefield.

Hardy Telecommunications, Inc., would like to invite all of our members to attend the Annual Meeting of Members on Friday, October 4, 2024, at the East Hardy High School gymnasium. The agenda includes the announcement of election results of three members to fill seats on the Board of Directors.

Three seats on the Board of Directors have expiring terms. All three present directors have been nominated to succeed themselves. The positions expiring this year are Lost River serving area 2, currently held by Ervin O. Wilkins Jr. of Baker; South Fork serving area 2, currently held by Phyllis B. Cook of Moorefield; and Moorefield serving area 1, currently held by Harold K. Michael of Moorefield. You can read the report of the 2024 Nominations Committee by clicking HERE.

Doors w ill open for registration at 4:30 p.m. October 4 with dinner to follow immediately upon registration. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Meals are free for each member and one guest (up to two free meals per member), with additional meals costing $10 each. Drawings for door prizes will be held.

Hardy Telecommunications members will receive a mailing that includes a reservation card and proxy for the annual meeting. If you plan to attend, please return the completed reservation card in the provided postage-paid envelope by Thursday, September 26, 2024.

If a member wishes to assign a proxy, please keep in mind that only the official proxy included in your mailing will be accepted. This proxy will include the member’s name, address and account number. Your proxy must contain both your signature and the signature of a witness to be accepted. Only proxies that are received by Friday, September 20, 2024, will be accepted. No proxies will be accepted at the meeting.

If an election by mail-in voting is necessary, your mailing will include a ballot. (NOTE: Ballots by proxy for election of directors must be voted at Hardy’s Lost River or Moorefield office at a designated date and time to be communicated to each proxy.)

If you would like to read more information about our election process, please see our bylaws, which begin on page 28 of the 2024 directory. Our bylaws also can be viewed by clicking HERE.