Hardy Telecommunications presented a donation to the Moorefield JackBots robotics teams on Wednesday, November 1, designating Hardy a Gold Level sponsor of the various teams. Moorefield Robotics team members Adam Sherman and William Wojtowicz accepted the check from Hardy Assistant General Manager Derek Barr.
The JackBots have grown to now include one Moorefield High School team, two Moorefield Middle School teams, two Moorefield Intermediate School teams, and a coding club for 4th and 5th grade students. According to the JackBots, the teams learn to build and program competition robots, use creativity and problem solving, participate in outreach in their communities, and learn to work together in a team setting. The high school team acts as a mentor to the middle and intermediate school teams.
The MHS JackBots participate in the First Chesapeake Robotics League, where they compete throughout the season against about 400 teams from Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. The MMS JackBots compete in the West Virginia FLLC state tournament in Fairmont, where they compete against about 50 teams from throughout the state. The high school team has made it to the District Championship each year since they started, and the middle school team recently won 2nd place at an international competition in Worcester, Mass.