Hardy Telecommunications has made a donation to East Hardy High Band and other school organizations to support them in a time of need during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The East Hardy High Band Boosters and other groups, including FFA and Prostart, typically work together to prepare and serve the meal at Hardy’s Annual Meeting of Members. EHHS Band Director Bob Thompson has spearheaded this effort for many years. In return, Hardy Telecommunications traditionally has given Mr. Thompson a sizable donation, which he then distributes to the other organizations to recognize their contribution.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions this year, Hardy was not able to hold its normal meeting at East Hardy High School, and instead the company opted for a virtual Annual Meeting. However, the company knew that the band relies on it for funding, and the decision was made to give a donation anyway.
“The Band Boosters have supported our annual meeting for decades, and we know it’s their main source of funding for the year,” said Derek Barr, Hardy assistant general manager. “It’s especially difficult this year, because any other means of fund-raising have mostly been cut off because of the pandemic. We knew the band and other organizations could use our help in this time.”
Mr. Thompson was appreciative of the donation.
“Even in a year when Hardy Telecommunications didn’t even hold its meeting at the school or need our help, they remember and support us,” he said. “I’m happy to accept these funds and distribute them to the band and other groups that usually assist with Hardy’s meeting, including the FFA, Prostart, and the teachers overseeing the gymnasium.
“We’re thankful to have such a dedicated partner in Hardy Telecommunications.”