Hardy Telecommunications and East Hardy High School are teaming up in the hope that the school eventually can produce original video content for broadcast on Hardy OneNet’s TV network.

Derek Barr, Hardy’s director of customer service and sales, marketing and human resources,recently presented a Canon Vixia HF camcorder to East Hardy teacher Keith Miller, Principal Jennifer Strawderman and Assistant Principal Chad Williams. Hardy recommended the camera because its specifications fit well with developing content that can air on Hardy OneNet, the company’s fiber-to-the-home network offering high-definition television. The camera also came with an accessory kit.
Hardy and East Hardy High both contributed to the final cost. Mrs. Strawderman secured a $500 grant toward video broadcast equipment, and Hardy donated the rest of the $374.99 cost. Hardy then ordered the camcorder and accessories and delivered them to the school.
Mr. Miller, who teaches theater and other classes, accepted the camera on the school’s behalf. He will be instrumental in working with EHHS students to develop, film, and edit the video content.
Derek said he hopes that the school will work toward creating original content that can be broadcast on Hardy OneNet. Hardy is a business partner with East Hardy High School.
“There are so many possibilities,” he said. “The camcorder has the capability of streaming live content. Students could do news broadcasts or any sort of live shot that could be seen throughout the school. The cooking class could do food preparation episodes. They could film projects for different areas of study, community service, and other school events.”
As the volume of original content increases, so can the exposure on Hardy OneNet, Derek said.
“We could air the content on an existing channel, probably our current channel 915, but if things develop, we could give East Hardy High its own channel that would be visible to all of our subscribers,” he said.
Mrs. Strawderman thanked Hardy Telecommunications for the donation.
“It’s another example of Hardy Telecommunications’ commitment to East Hardy High and our students,” she said. “We’re excited about the different learning opportunities this will bring to the school.”