Hardy Funds New Technology For MES

Moorefield Elementary School students will learn new skills from being able to use iPads in the school’s library, thanks to a donation from Hardy Telecommunications.

Derek Barr, Hardy’s director of customer service and sales, marketing and human resources, presented a check to MES Library Media Specialist Marcia Fisher. The money was designated to help with the purchase of iPads or iPad-related equipment for use by the school’s students.

(Left to right): Moorefield Elementary School Library Media Specialist Marcia Fisher accepts a donation for iPad technology from Derek Barr, Hardy Telecommunications director of customer service and sales, marketing and human resources.
(Left to right): Moorefield Elementary School Library Media Specialist Marcia Fisher accepts a donation for iPad technology from Derek Barr, Hardy Telecommunications director of customer service and sales, marketing and human resources.


Mrs. Fisher said she has been able to purchase four mini iPads and device protectors for them.

“With these new additions, I will start my second graders on problem solving tasks each time they have their library specials time. I’ve been attending technology conferences and have some exciting ideas to incorporate with these new tools. Before the school year ends, I hope to introduce the iPads to my first graders and kindergarten classes as well,” she said.

Derek said Hardy appreciated the opportunity to help students experience new technology.

“To succeed in today’s society, students have to keep up with new technology,” he said. “We’re happy to assist Moorefield Elementary School in giving young children a head start.”

Mrs. Fisher said many students can’t purchase iPads for themselves.

“Very few of our student population are able to own their own personal devices. Now they have a chance to learn new skills because your donation helped us to get tools to enhance their education,” she said. “Thank you again for caring about our students at Moorefield Elementary.”