Hardy Gives To Foundation Fund

Hardy Telecommunications has presented a $250 donation to the Hardy County Community Foundation’s Annual Fund, strengthening the foundation’s ability to help charitable needs in Hardy County.

Hardy County Community Foundation Executive Director Amy Pancake (right) accepts a $250 donation from Derek Barr, Hardy Telecommunications Director of Customer Service and Sales, Marketing and Human Resources.

Derek Barr, Hardy’s director of customer service and sales, marketing, and human resources, gave the check to Hardy County Community Foundation Executive Director Amy Pancake at Hardy’s Moorefield office on March 6. Hardy Telecommunications has been a regular contributor to the Community Foundation for the past several years.

“The Community Foundation defines its work as gather, grow and grant. By combining the gifts from many donors, the foundation is able to make a bigger impact when it makes awards to charitable causes. Hardy Telecommunications has the same mission of improving the quality of life for Hardy County residents, so we’re happy to assist the foundation in this goal,” Derek said.

Mrs. Pancake thanked Barr and Hardy Telecommunications for the contribution.

“Your generous gift … will provide much appreciated support of our mission to ‘Connect Caring People to Community Causes,'” she said. “You are truly appreciated and we are honored to count you as a Partner in Philanthropy.”

In 2017, the foundation awarded grants totaling $57,000 which supported education, senior services, human welfare, health and wellness, and cultural heritage programs.

For more information about the Hardy County Community Foundation and how you can contribute, visit their website at www.ewvcf.org/hardycountycf.