Hardy Offering Toyota Tacoma For Sale By Sealed Bid

Hardy Telecommunications is offering a 2012 Toyota Tacoma pickup (214,400 miles, 4-cylinder 5-speed manual transmission) for sale by sealed bid through October 13, 2023. Bids will be opened on October 16, and the buyer is expected to complete the transaction by October 19, 2023.

The vehicle can be seen at the Moorefield office. Bids may be dropped off, in sealed envelopes, at the Hardy offices in Lost River, Capon Bridge, Moorefield or Wardensville.

Contact Jeff Sites (email jsites@emp.hardynet.com), Martin Smith (email msmith@emp.hardynet.com) or Philip Miller (email pmiller@emp.hardynet.com) at 304-897-9911 with questions.

Vehicle will be sold “AS IS” with no warranty. There is a Minimum Reserve Price on this vehicle.

Hardy Telecommunications reserves the right to reject or accept all bids.