Hardy Telecommunications is again sponsoring two local students on a four-day trip to Washington, D.C., joining 100 other students from all over the country.
One junior each from Moorefield and East Hardy high schools will be selected to attend the 2014 Foundation for Rural Service Youth Tour in Washington, D.C., May 31-June 4. The trip includes sightseeing as well as educational sessions to teach today’s youth about the telecommunications industry. Hardy Telecommunications will pay all basic expenses, including travel.

“The Youth Tour has always been a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the students who attend,” said Hardy Marketing and Human Resource Director Derek Barr. “You meet peers from across the United States. I’m still in touch myself with many of the students from other states that I’ve chaperoned on the tour, some of whom are now graduated from college.”
The Youth Tour provides students from rural areas with a first-hand look at the telecommunications industry and educates students about the legislative and governmental processes.
Students will visit the U.S. Capitol Building and hear presentations from representatives of Capitol Hill and the Federal Communications Commission. All of the students are sponsored by rural telecommunications companies like Hardy Telecommunications.
East Hardy High Senior Paula Smith and Moorefield High Senior Jacy Barr participated in the 2013 Youth Tour.
“I think this is one of the best experiences I’ve ever had,” Paula said. “Before this trip, I had never been to Washington to tour the city, and now I’m ready to go back again.”
Jacy agreed, saying the group was able to see many famous landmarks in addition to learning about how small telecommunications companies like Hardy serve their rural communities.
“FRS Youth Tour 2013 was not only a great learning experience but an enormous amount of fun,” she said.

This year’s preliminary agenda includes visits to the U.S. Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial, the World War II Memorial, Mount Vernon (home of George Washington), the Vietnam War Memorial, the Smithsonian Museums, the Korean War Memorial, and Arlington National Cemetery. A night tour of Washington and special entertainment are also planned, including a dance the final night complete with professional DJ.
Because of the widespread interest in the tour from students around the country, Hardy can only sponsor one student from Moorefield High and one from East Hardy High. Applications for the tour may be picked up from the guidance counselors at both high schools or by contacting Derek at Hardy’s Lost River Office, telephone 304-897-9911304-897-9911. To be eligible for the trip, students must be 16 or 17 years old at the time of the tour and receive either telephone, Internet, or television service from Hardy Telecommunications. The FRS will not accept any student age 18 or over. No exceptions will be made. Preference also will be given to students from the 2015 graduating class.
Paula and Jacy both encouraged students to apply for the tour.
“I made many new friendships and would recommend the trip to anyone!” Jacy said.
“I would definitely recommend this trip to all high school juniors!” Paula added. “… I am so happy that I went. I now have several new friends, and lots of new experiences to tell everyone about. … This was truly a great opportunity!”
The deadline to return applications is February 14, 2014. Applications may be returned to either the high school guidance counselors or directly to Derek Barr, Marketing/Human Resource Director, Hardy Telecommunications, 2255 Kimseys Run Road, Lost River, WV 26810.