National Caregivers Day Recognized February 19

For the millions of men and women who provide care to the elderly in nursing homes, for those who bear up and offer comfort to hospice patients and their families, and to those providing care at home for a loved one or patient in need, we salute you! This last year has been an unimaginable challenge for the entire medical community, but those caring for ailing or elderly patients were hit hard, and yet they stood their posts, they leaned in, and they continued to love, support, and provide care even at personal risk to themselves. Caregiving is one of the most stressful and often thankless jobs imaginable, but these heroes still show up every day. National Caregivers Day was started in 2016 to shine a light on these caregivers who give their whole hearts to those they care for. The 2021 National Caregivers Day falls on Friday, February 19. If you know one of these brave and kind souls, reach out, call, or write to thank them and let them know you see that cape peeking out from under those scrubs.