Scam HardyNet Email Circulating

A scam email falsely claiming to be from HardyNet has been circulating among HardyNet email customers. The email states that customers should click a link to validate their account and avoid account disruption. This email is not from HardyNet. In the versions we’ve seen, there are several red flags that make the email suspicious, including:

  • The email sender address, while saying “Support,” is from Scammers often use multiple email addresses, but we’ve seen this same sender address in emails sent to several customers.
  • The email tries to induce the user to click a link by claiming that action is required quickly. Scam emails typically try to scare the user into thinking that accounts will be shut down or disrupted without immediate action. This version of the scam email says both at the top and bottom in red type that action is required.
  • The fake link to supposedly validate your account actually goes to an Internet address ending in “,” which has no association with HardyNet. You can see the destination of a link without clicking on it by simply hovering your mouse over the link without pressing anything.

We have reported this email and sender address to Gmail. However, it is virtually impossible to stop every scam email from getting through to customers. This email does include the names of HardyNet and Zimbra, our email vendor, so one easily could be fooled into thinking it’s legitimate. It’s always advisable to stop and read carefully any email that asks you to take urgent action or click a link. A review of the email often will reveal telltale signs of a scam or malicious intent.

If you receive this email, please delete it and don’t click anything.

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