A scam email is circulating among HardyNet users that claims your HardyNet email access will be suspended. This email is fake. Please mark it as spam and delete it. The email is easily recognizable as fake if you look at the signals.
If you look at the FROM email address, even though the text says Hardynet Communications (which is not our name), the actual return address is totally different and associated with a call center email.
The email claims your email account will be suspended in four days because of a shut down request. It contains a link with the text Fix Now. If you hover over that link (NOT CLICK ON IT), you’ll see that the link goes to a suspicious location that doesn’t match HardyNet at all.
It is impossible to keep all scam emails from getting through. We receive hundreds of fake emails attempting to get through every day. We advise that you review any email carefully, especially any email that claims to require immediate action and contains active links. Again, please mark this email as spam and delete it.