Virtual Annual Meeting Of Members Set For November 5

The 2020 Hardy Telecommunications Annual Meeting of Members will be held virtually via Zoom webinar at 4 p.m. Thursday, November 5. For the safety of our members and to comply with local, state and federal health guidelines related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors of Hardy Telecommunications, Inc., has opted to make the 2020 Annual Meeting of Members a virtual meeting. The meeting will not take place in person at East Hardy High School as in previous years.

Members were mailed documents that include a notice, proxy, ballot and voting instructions. Please read and follow the instructions carefully. The top section of the notice must be detached and mailed back with the ballot in order for the ballot to be valid. Ballots must be received by October 30, 2020, to be accepted.

If a member wishes to vote by proxy, please keep in mind that only the official proxy included in your mailing will be accepted. This proxy will include the member’s name, address and account number. Your proxy must contain both your signature and the signature of a witness to be accepted. Proxies must be received by October 22, 2020, to be accepted. Please note: Return either the ballot or the proxy – NOT both. Only one will be accepted. A ballot overrides a proxy if both are returned.

To register to attend the meeting, click HERE. Registration must be completed by November 3, 2020. Complete the Zoom Webinar registration form and submit. You must be a Hardy Telecommunications member with a current account in your name to be approved. Please register in the name of the member with the current account. Once approved, you will receive a reservation confirmation email before the meeting with log-in instructions. The link in the confirmation email will take you directly to the Zoom Webinar at the aforementioned date and time.

The 2020 Annual Report will be posted as a PDF file on the 2020 Annual Meeting Reservation page no later than three (3) business days before the virtual meeting. Please return to that page at that time to view the Annual Report PDF.

The annual meeting agenda includes recognition of the election of two members to fill seats on the Board of Directors. Please note that the voting for the election will be concluded by the date of the meeting. Ballots must be received by October 30, 2020, to be accepted. The Credentials and Elections Committee will count the ballots and certify the results before the meeting.

Two seats on the Board of Directors have terms that expire this year. The 2020 Hardy Telecommunications Nominations Committee has proposed two candidates for election to the Board of Directors.

The nominees are Victoria O. Dyer for Lost River Serving Area 3 and Ward A. Malcolm for South Fork Serving Area 1.  To view the complete report of the Nominations Committee, click HERE.

Hardy Telecommunications also has received a petition for nomination from Dorman L. Godlove Jr. for Lost River Serving Area 3. To view the petition, click HERE.

* PLEASE NOTE: All details are subject to change pending developments with the COVID-19 pandemic. Updates will be posted on our website at and on our Hardy Telecommunications Facebook page.

For more information about our election process, please see our current bylaws, which can be read by clicking HERE.