Frontier Fiber Line Repaired

Hardy Telecommunications has been told that Frontier has repaired its broken fiber line as of 9:42 a.m. Thursday.  The line near Elkins was damaged during Hurricane Sandy, resulting in all circuits from Elkins to Franklin being down.  That line is a major route used for long distance calls to and from Hardy Telecommunications customers, and the cut line caused some customers to experience problems receiving and making long distance calls.  With the Frontier line near Elkins repaired, Hardy customers should have far fewer issues receiving and making long distance calls.  However, there are still numerous downed lines in West Virginia and throughout the Northeast part of the United States, which still are greatly affecting the capacity of the country’s telecommunications network.  Depending on the origin or destination of a call and the current volume of calls in an area, Hardy customers still might experience busy circuits on occasion.  If you find this problem persists, please call us at 304-897-9911 or 304-530-5000 because the issue might be unrelated to the downed Frontier line.  We thank Frontier for their quick efforts to repair the damaged line, and we appreciate your patience while the state and region deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.