HardyNet Email Platform Scheduled For Spam Management Upgrade

Zimbra, our HardyNet email vendor, is updating its platform so that customers more easily can manage email flagged as spam. The upgrades will allow users to control spam directly from the Junk folder on their main Zimbra page, and you will no longer receive a Daily Digest email or have to log into the Edgewave Spam Management site to control spam. The Zimbra platform will undergo maintenance for updates and to deploy the new integrated spam solution on Tuesday, August 31st.

The upgrade/maintenance will begin at 10:00 pm Eastern Time. You will continue to have access to webmail and email throughout the upgrade, but there may be some delivery delays for messages that arrived during the maintenance. You will be able to send and receive email as always throughout the entire upgrade.

Starting Wednesday morning, September 1st, you can manage your spam directly in your email’s Junk folder on our main Zimbra page. Again, you will no longer be required to log into Edgewave Spam Management to control emails flagged as spam. For webmail users, you may need to log out and then back in to see the change. Please remember that you will no longer receive a Daily Digest email of spam notifications, since your spam will now be managed directly from the Junk mail folder.

For more information on the Zimbra integrated spam upgrade, please visit:


If you encounter any issues while logging into your email after the August 31st upgrade, please call our support team for assistance.