A Message From Hardy Telecommunications

Hardy Telecommunications is doing everything possible during this difficult time to keep members connected while protecting the health and safety of our employees and customers. We understand that the service we provide is essential and a vital lifeline for many families practicing social distancing in their homes.

We intend to comply with all local, state and federal regulations and orders. We have received a far greater number of service requests than normal, which is to be expected in what is an extraordinary time. We ask for patience from our customers; we are not immune to the stress and strain that everyone is experiencing, but we are all doing our best to provide the best service possible under these trying circumstances. The management team here at Hardy Telecommunications is humbled by the selfless service and dedication being shown by employees – our pride in our employees cannot be measured.

Hardy Telecommunications is open, but for the safety of our employees and customers, we ask that anyone who is experiencing symptoms associated with coronavirus, such as fever and difficulty breathing, or anyone who has been diagnosed with coronavirus or come into contact with someone diagnosed with the coronavirus, to please NOT come into our office for services. Our payment options are listed online at hardynet.com and on our Hardy Facebook page. Please call our office at 304-897-9911 or 304-530-5000 instead of coming into our office when possible. If you must come into our office, please practice safe hygiene and social distancing habits.

Many other services, including service troubles, can be resolved remotely and don’t require a technician to visit your home – in many cases we can troubleshoot with you and walk you through a solution. For after-hours telephone issues, call 304-897-9913 or 304-530-HELP (4357); for after-hours internet/TV issues, call 1-800-884-0778. If initial after-hours Tech Support is unable to fix the problem, they can escalate it to a local on-call technician.

We intend to continue operations and will do everything in our power to meet the needs of our members, but we do ask for your cooperation. It is at a time like this that we realize what being a cooperative means – we are all going through this period together. Stay Safe and God Bless.

Payment Options:

  • Payments can be mailed to any of our three offices: 2255 Kimseys Run Road, Lost River, WV 26810; 121 South Main St., Moorefield, WV 26836; and 345 East Main St., Suite A, Wardensville, WV 26851.
  • We accept payments by phone. Simply call one of our offices at 304-897-9911 or 304-530-5000.
  • Customers can pay online by credit card with our E-Care service through our website at hardynet.com.
  • Payment drop boxes are located in the parking lots of our three offices for after-hours payments.

The World Health Organization is urging people to “Do the Five”:

  1. Hands – Wash them often. Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  2. Elbow – Cough into it. If you have to sneeze or cough, do it into a tissue or your elbow or sleeve if there are no tissues nearby.
  3. Face – Don’t touch it. This includes eyes, nose and mouth. This is mainly because the virus can be on your hands and then easily enter your body through the eyes, nose or mouth.
  4. Feet – Stay at least six (6) feet apart. This is what is meant by “social distancing.” Germs are released into the air through coughing and sneezing. Keeping a distance from other people can offer some protection.
  5. Feel sick? – Stay home. Symptoms of coronavirus can be similar to the flu and include fever, difficulty breathing, coughing and fatigue. Lots of illnesses have similar symptoms and don’t necessarily require you to stay at home, but if you’re running a fever, seek medical care and otherwise stay home.