Hardy Telecommunications is a Gold Level sponsor of Heritage Weekend for 2019, continuing years of support for the popular event.

Derek Barr, Hardy’s director of customer service and sales, marketing and human resources, presented a $250 donation on February 27 to Hardy County Tour and Crafts Association representative Ashley Anderson. The association organizes and coordinates Heritage Weekend.
“(Your donation last year) helped us to put together the annual Heritage Weekend Booklet and promote the event in many ways,” Mrs. Anderson said. “We appreciate your ongoing support of our event as a community and cannot express our thanks enough.”
Derek said Hardy Telecommunications has financially supported Heritage Weekend ever since the association first began requesting donations.
“Our area has so many rich and wonderful traditions, and there is so much history to share,” he said. “We want to make sure those things that shaped our culture aren’t forgotten.”
Heritage Weekend takes place the last weekend in September each year and consists of tours, activities, exhibitions and various craft displays. The event brings many tourists to the region.